  • サステナビリティ
  • スペシャルティコーヒー

Transparency Report 2021-2022

Transparency Report 2021-2022




ONIBUS COFFEEは”コーヒーで、街と暮らしを豊かにする”ことを目指します。そのミッションは「環境への配慮をもって、感動する一杯と心に残るサービスを提供する」。



願いをムーブメントに変える一歩として、ここにONIBUS COFFEEのTransparency Reportを公開し、私たちが扱うスペシャルティコーヒーの生産と流通における透明性と追跡性を約束します。

Coffee goes through a long and varied process from seed to cup and it has become an indispensable part of people's lives.

On the other hand, the production and distribution of coffee in general is also fraught with social problems, such as the problem of child labor in production, pricing that ignores production costs, influenced by market prices, and the reduction of production areas due to climate change, which is also called the "2050 problem".

Japan is one of the largest coffee consuming countries in the world. We believe that coffee, which brings us abundance in our daily lives, should not be at someone else's expense.

ONIBUS COFFEE aims to "enrich the city and our lives with coffee.Our mission is "to provide a cup of coffee that moves you and a service that leaves a lasting impression, with consideration for the environment.

In order to continue to enjoy delicious coffee for years to come, we will spare no effort in pursuing roasting and extraction techniques in order to discover new and wonderful coffee. We also wish to protect the lives of the producers and the local environment, which is the most important source of coffee.

For this reason, we visit coffee-producing countries as much as possible and purchase green coffee beans in the most direct way possible. In addition to the taste quality of the coffee, we actively select farms that have places where the children of the workers can learn, where the working environment is protected, and where organic fertilizers are used.

As a step toward turning our wish into a movement, we hereby publish ONIBUS COFFEE's Transparency Report and commit to transparency and traceability in the production and distribution of the specialty coffees we handle.

コーヒー生豆の価格について Green coffee prices








Coffee that is generally distributed is called commercial or commodity coffee.

In order to secure quantities, different country brands are collected from various regions and plantations, regardless of quality. Prices are determined based on global supply and demand in futures trading in New York and London.

While the advantage of a buy-sell agreement is that prices and inventories can be stabilized. This buyer-driven method sometimes results in pricing below the cost of production.

Especially in the 1970s and early 2000s, prices collapsed and some producers were forced out of business. As of 2022, prices are trending higher, but this is due to a decrease in production due to frost damage in Brazil. We cannot promise that this is directly linked to producers' income.

Futures prices, also known as C-prices, averaged USD4.51/kg in 2021. Specialty coffees, on the other hand, are virtually unaffected by market prices. Its price is determined by its quality.

The lots are separated by plantation and refinery, so the value of the coffee can be assigned in great detail.

The price per kilo (FOB) is roughly twice or more than commercial coffees, but at past fairs, some coffees were priced at USD663, about 150 times the commercial price.

In the specialty coffee distribution process, producers of high quality coffee are extremely well compensated for their work.

F.O.B price

F.O.B. (Free on Board)price は「船内無料」を意味します。これは、原産地の港でコンテナに詰められるまでのコーヒーの価格を意味します。コーヒーの価格はFOBに輸入にかかる関税などの価格や手数料が加算されたものになります。

FOBは生産者がコーヒーに対して受け取る正確な価格ではありませんが、「公正な価格」を受け取っているかどうかを知るための優れた指標であることは間違いありません。価格は、グリーンコーヒー1ポンド(453 グラム) または1kgあたりの価格として記載されています。

F.O.B. (Free on Board)price means the price of the coffee until it is packed in a container at the port of origin. The price of coffee is the FOB plus the price of duties and other fees and charges on importation.

FOB is not the exact price that producers receive for their coffee, but it is certainly an excellent indicator of whether or not they are receiving a "fair price".

Prices are listed as a price per pound (453 grams) or kilogram of green coffee.

生豆購入について Purchasing green coffee

ONIBUS COFFEEでは、なるべく生産地を訪れるようにしています。コロナ禍以前には、購入している豆の約80%の生産地を実際にみてきました。



At ONIBUS COFFEE, we try to visit production areas as much as possible.

Prior to the Covid-19, we have actually seen the production areas of about 80% of the beans we purchase.

In these purchases, we focus not only on the quality of the coffee, but also on the working environment, the absence of child labor, and the ability to build an ongoing relationship with the producers.

In the past, we have donated stationery to the La Bolsa plantation in Guatemala, where we purchase it every year. Here, we support workers by providing a safe working environment, including a kindergarten for seasonal worker families.

生産国について Producing countries


ルワンダは、ONIBUS COFFEEとインポーターのグリーンパスチャーズが2014年より現地に赴き、買い付けをしている生産国です。コロナ禍の影響で2019年以降は現地訪問はできていませんが、現地エクスポーターの協力のもと継続して購入をしています。






Rwanda is a producing country where ONIBUS COFFEE and importer Green Pastures have been visiting and buying locally since 2014.

Due to the Covid-19, we have not been able to visit the country since 2019, but with the cooperation of local exporters we continue to make purchases with the cooperation of local exporters.

Rwanda is focusing on specialty coffee production under thorough government guidance. The coffee industry is also characterized by the remarkable success of women in the industry.

The coffee has a clean cup with citrus nuances, and although it does not have the flamboyance characteristic of African coffees, it has a flavor that can be enjoyed on a daily basis.

The green coffee beans purchased for the 2021-2022 period are as follows

Year 2021

Number of lots purchased: 7

Purchased quantity: 2,520 kg







Honduras, located in Central America, is another country that our staff visits every year.

In 2022, we were able to make local purchases for the first time in three years, and some producers were able to meet again or visit for the first time.

Specialty coffee production by small-scale farmers is thriving, with some micro-lots producing as little as 100 kg.

The Santa Barbara area in particular produces a large number of Pacas varieties. This coffee has a fruity taste like apple and a complex sweetness like brown sugar or dried fruit.

The green coffee beans purchased for the 2021-2022 period are as follows

Year 2021

Number of lots purchased: 13

Purchased quantity: 2,700 kg

2021-2022年サマリーSummary 2021-2022 

ONIBUS COFFEEが購入した生豆の総量  24,160kg

その内透明性を公表できるもの 5,220kg

コーヒーの透明性 21.61%

2021-2022 Results

Total amount of green coffee beans purchased by ONIBUS COFFEE  24,160kg

Of which transparency can be disclosed 5,220kg

Transparency of coffee 21.61%


